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Definition of Domain Name

A domain name is an identification label to define a realm of administrative autonomy, authority, or control in the Internet, based on the Domain Name System (DNS).

Domain names are used in various networking contexts and application-specific naming and addressing purposes. Domain names are organized in subordinate levels (subdomains) of the top-level Internet domains (TLDs), such as the prominent domains com, net and org. Below the top-level domains in the DNS hierarchy are the second-level and third-level domain names that are typically open for reservation by end-users that wish to connect local area networks to the Internet, run web sites, or create other publicly accessible Internet resources. The registration of these domain names is usually administered by domain name registrars who sell their services to the public.

Individual Internet host computers use domain names as host identifiers, or hostnames. Hostnames are the leaf labels in the domain name system usually without further subordinate domain name space. Hostnames appear as a component in Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) for Internet resources such as web sites (e.g., en.wikipedia.org).

Domain names are also used as simple identification labels to indicate ownership or control of a resource. Such examples are the realm identifiers used in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), the DomainKeys used to verify DNS domains in e-mail systems, and in many other Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs).

An important purpose of domain names is to provide easily recognizable and memorizable names to numerically addressed Internet resources. This abstraction allows any resource (e.g., website) to be moved to a different physical location in the address topology of the network, globally or locally in an intranet. Such a move usually requires changing the IP address of a resource and the corresponding translation of this IP address to and from its domain name.

Source: Wikipedia

Check for a Domain Name Availability

#1 GoDaddy.com - Home of the $1.99 domain name

Adsense for Domain


If you own a domain name and have been contemplating on what to do with it, here's one thing you can do that will earn you money almost instantly. This is made possible with the introduction of Adsense for Domain by Google not too long ago.

The whole concept is pretty straight forward:

  1. Get a domain name
  2. Monetize it by displaying Adsense for Domain
  3. Direct traffic to your domain
  4. Reap the benefits

Get a Domain Name

If you already have a domain name, it's probably a little bit too late to read this section. If you haven't, then here's a simple guideline that you can follow when registering for a new domain name - always use part or the whole keyword of your target niche to form your domain name.

For example, if you are targeting on "domain name registration", then you may consider a domain name which read something like domainnameregistration.com, domainnameregistration.info etc. The reason is that, Google tailors the ads displayed on your domain based on your keyword i.e. your domain name. So if your domain name doesn’t really have a focus niche, then Google will just display random ads.

On the other hand, if you have a focused niche, all the sponsored ads displayed will be of the same category. It will be easier for your marketing campaigns as well, as you know which category to target.

For more guidelines on selecting a good domain name, please refer to Domain Name Search.

Monetize it by displaying Adsense for Domain

For this step, you need to have a Google Adsense account, if you haven't got one, you may sign up here. Once you have signed up, go to Adsense Setup à Get Ads à Adsense for Domain.

Next, you have to specify which domain name to add. Once you have added the domain, Google will ask you to update your Aliases (CNAME) as well as your IP addresses (A). These steps are quite daunting if you are not technically-inclined and it may be different from one web host to another.

If you require assistant, please drop me an email and I will be more than happy to assist you.

Direct Traffic to Your Domain

So far, most people have no problems to follow step 1 and step 2 but step 3 is a totally different story. Well, there are 2 ways to do it - paid or free. Let's not talk about the first one and focus only on the free method. This is where you need to apply the concept of Adsense Arbitrage - buying cheap traffic and direct it to a domain with high-paying keywords. The best place to get free traffic is through PTC programs. There are many websites which offer such service but the best one that works for me is TrafficSwarm.com.

If you are willing to spend a little money, you can consider buying traffic from buyREFS.com. You can get as many as 10,000 visitors for as little as USD10. If you have targeted a high-paying keyword for your domain, it could be a gold rush for you.

Reap the Benefits

Well, this part needs no introduction. It’s all about number game – the more visitors you have the more clicks you get and the more money you make. Based on that principal, what you can do is, diversify your domain names. Register 4 to 5 domain names with high-paying keywords, configure them to display Adsense for Domain, join more PTC programs or buy cheap traffic and you are on way to reap the sweet benefits.